by Marga Torner

About me

Marga Torner

I have been studying astrology for the last 15 years, it started as a need to understand  my journey here on earth along the intuitive knowing that we are a part of this vast Universe and therefore what is “out there” is also within us.

Astrology and Astronomy in ancient times were not separated, the church took care of the separation as a means to keep the knowledge from the common folks, and that sparked my need to study and find out why.

I am always honored when asked to do a reading since I know I am looking into a person soul contract.

My vision

Astrology as a tool to understand ourselves

Soul astrology is the understanding of our Natal chart as the blue print of our soul contract here on Earth, what we have agreed to experience in order to gain wisdom and what tools we do have to work with.


My approach differs from the tradicional view of planets being the cause of the experiences we encounter in our lives. In my view of astrology, we are not victims of a determined plan set in stone. On the contrary, the knowledge of our natal chart offers us the tools to navigate the different challenges that we encounter in our lives. The chart each planet is a set of energetic archetypes, the positions, houses and the aspects and how they relate as a whole describes the map of our soul ´s journey.


The readings I offer are for those that are willing and ready to take responsibility for their creations and a desire to know themselves at a deeper level.


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Contact me

Teléfono: +34 659 799 722


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